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The wrong trail can be worse than a Dad Joke

It's time to start thinking about getting the family out on the slopes for some much needed fresh air, exercise and time away from zoom....

Monday, February 27, 2012

Lo.... The Snowman Commeth!

All it took was a drive down to the Bay Area, and Mother Nature decided to change her tune!  And I thought washing my car and giving away a few winter coats would cause the clouds to appear.  I'll have to leave Tahoe more often.

Click here to read the Tahoe Weather Geek's Weather Analysis

It's looking like a foot of snow by Wednesday night.

And if you can't remember what powder skiing looks like, check out this video created by Nat Fay.  He and I had helmet cams mounted on Feb 15th, which was the last day with significant fresh snow at Northstar.  It includes some good wipeouts and a few attempts to get some air.  In case you're curious, I'm wearing the blue coat with a horizontal white stripe mid-back, and my skis are red.  Yes,  I do wipe out in a pretty comical way, but at least it wasn't in uniform!

Northstar California Powder Day 15th Feb 2012 from Nathaniel Fay on Vimeo.

Video shot at Northstar California, Lake Tahoe, California, USA. Skiers are: Liane Fang, Jay Palace & Nat Fay.
Nat Fay was the principal editor of the video and the footage was shot with Jay's Go Pro and Nat's Contour Plus helmet cams.

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